Sora is a 17-year-old boy living an ordinary life on the island of Curacao. One day while working at the port at Sint Annabaai, Sora discovers a secret that would change his life forever. Because of his discovery, Sora gets chased by the government. Eventually, Sora would become friends with some outcasts who run from the government and go on adventures together.
After reaching Atlantis, Sora and his comrades are reunited. Then, the history of Atlantis' mysterious disappearance is explained, revealing its connections to Sora's uncle Kaiho. After their reunion, Sora and his comrades have an adventure through Atlantis. However, this adventure was short-lived.
As the battle between Kaiho and emperor Jisoka advances, a conflict ensues on the island coast between Sora and his companions and the government's top dogs. Its conclusion will eventually greatly influence the course of Sora's journey.